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HTHY Thyroid Drops




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HTHY Thyroid Drops product image
SKU: GN-09631

HTHY is a homeopathic organotherapy preparation synergistically formulated for the support and balance of the immune, reproductive and endocrine systems. Studies show that the thyroid acts as the regulator for the entire glandular system. During and following illness, glandular homeostasis is disturbed, placing added strain on the thyroid. HTHY is indicated for thyroid dysfunctions, including symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome and menopause, obesity, weight loss and fatigue; and for heavy metal toxicity and chronic infections.

Adults: Take ten drops two to three times daily or as recommended by your health care practitioner. To be taken 20 minutes away from food. Place drops directly under the tongue or into 1/4 oz of water.
Children: Divide dosage by half and follow adult directions.

Each drop contains equal parts of:
Thyroidinum (Thyroid Gland) 10 X  
Surreninum (Adrenal Gland) 10 X  
Hypophysinum (Pituitary Gland) 10 X  
Thymusinum (Thymus Gland) 10 X  
Spleninum (Spleen) 10 X  
Calcarea iodata (Calcium Iodide) 4 X  
Ferrum Iodatum (Ferrous Iodide) 6 X  
Fucus vesiculosus (Bladder-wrack) 6 X  
Kalium iodatum (Potassium Iodide) 6 X  
Lapis albus (Gastien Rock) 6 X  
Spongia tosta (Roasted Sponge) 6 X  
Calcarea carbonica (Impure Calcium Carbonate) 8 X  
Hepar sulphuris calcareum (Crude Calcium Sulfide) 8 X  

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