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This formula treats Liver Blood and Yin deficiency and spreads Liver Qi stagnation.
-Redness and dryness of the eyes
-Heat intolerance, facial and ear redness, increased thirst, thin skin, low grade itch
-Weight loss despite normal stools and increased appetite
-Mild fear agression, territoriality, timidity
-Occasional vomiting, nausea, indigestion, eructation
-Pale edged tongue, lavender center to tongue
-Thin, taut pulse
2-3 times daily
1-10 lbs ... 5-10 drops
11-20 lbs ... 10-20 drops
21-35 lbs ... 1/2 - 1 dropperful
36-75 lbs ... 1 - 1.5 dropperful
76-100 lbs ... 1.5 - 2 dropperful
1 dropperful = 40 drops
Common names:
Raw Rehmannia root, Lycium fruit, Dong quai root, Ophiopogon tuber, Glehnia root, Melia fruit.
Pinyin names:
Sheng di huang, Gou qi zi, Dang gui shen, Mai men dong, Bei sha shen, Chuan lian zi.
Use only as directed by your health care professional and seek their advice if pregnant or nursing.
Keep out of reach of children, keep tightly capped and out of direct sunlight, and store at room temperature.
Do not put dropper in mouth. Shake well before each use.
Use with caution in animal with Dampness: productive cough, seborrhea oleosa, yeast
infection, vomiting, pronounced weight gain, or mucoid discharges.
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